Tradewinds classic

More about this downloadable game

About Travel back in time to a world of danger and mystery; a place where the open waters can mean anything but smooth sailing. About


Buy low, sell high, and build your fortune
Buy more ships to dominate the seas
Collect bounties by defeating villainous pirates


  • Category: Strategy   
  • Game size: 5.7 Mo
  • System: Windows xp/vista/7/8   
  • Fréquence: 800 mhz
  • Memory: 512 Mo

Release date

Release date : 31 January 2008

All categories

Tradewinds classic

About Tradewinds classic

About  Tradewinds Classic, set in the 19th century Far East, takes you back to the very beginning where buying and selling exotic goods, or collecting bounties on previously thought-to-be-dead pirates, can lead to untold wealth...or ultimate doom. With enough wisdom, courage and luck you too can become a Tai-Pan!  About

  • Tradewinds classic

  • Tradewinds classic

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