Virtual city

More about this downloadable game

About Build the city of your dreams- a residential paradise or an industrial center in Virtual City, a fun and exciting Simulation game! About


Unique gameplay
Challenging levels
Construct a virtual city!
Check out our blog walkthrough


  • Category: Sim   
  • Game size: 64.85 Mo
  • System: Windows xp/vista/7/8   
  • Fréquence: 1.0 ghz
  • Memory: 256 Mo

Release date

Release date : 22 December 2009


About Virtual city

About  Build the city of your dreams- a residential paradise or an industrial center in Virtual City, a fun and exciting Simulation game! Construct gorgeous houses and industrial buildings as you produce goods and deliver them to the shopping malls. Make the city a cleaner place by recycling garbage, adding hospitals and fire stations, and upgrading building. Deal with economic downturn and natural disasters in Virtual City!  About

  • Virtual city

  • Virtual city

  • Virtual city

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