War on folvos

More about this downloadable game

About Fun and unique strategy game set on a future world. Command an entire army consisting of various military units. About


20 types of units.
Large 3d battlefields.
Simple, intuitive game play.


  • Category: Strategy   
  • Game size: 43.88 Mo
  • System: Windows 2000/xp/vista/7/8   
  • Fréquence: 600mhz or faster processor
  • Memory: 128 Mo

Release date

Release date : 14 May 2007


About War on folvos

About  Fun and unique turn-based strategy game set amid a dark and twisted future world. Command an entire army consisting of various military units and lead them to victory through several epic battles. War on Folvos has extremely simple rules and intuitive controls and is extremely accessible for beginners. There are eighteen unique scenarios divided in two campaigns. Each scenario represents one battle on the large Folvos battlefield with many different units on each side.  About

  • War on folvos

  • War on folvos

  • War on folvos

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