Miss teri tale

More about this downloadable game

About Play Miss Teri Tale and visit your neighbors` houses to discover their tantalizing hidden secrets. About


Discover tantalizing secrets!
A one-of-a-kind mystery tale.
Quirky cast of characters.
Catch the election day fever inmiss teri tale: vote 4 me


  • Category: Seek & Find   
  • Game size: 75.81 Mo
  • System: Windows 2000/xp/vista/7/8   
  • Fréquence: 600 mhz
  • Memory: 128 Mo

Release date

Release date : 29 February 2008


About Miss teri tale

About  In Miss Teri Tale, someone has kidnapped poor little Jason, a prize winning show dog, and it`s up to you to find the culprit in this great Hidden Object game. Jason`s owner is devastated, the police are perplexed and it seems everyone has ample reason to have kidnapped the dog. Can you, Miss Terri Tale, a famous mystery writer, get to the bottom of this tragedy before a mysterious blackmailer pins the crime on an innocent person?  About

  • Miss teri tale

  • Miss teri tale

  • Miss teri tale

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