Mystery p.i.: the vegas heist

More about this downloadable game

About The heist of the century has just happened! You`ve been hired by the casino to find and return the stolen money. About


Investigate vegas
Great art and story
Unique mini-games
Dont forget the original mystery: the lottery ticket
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  • Category: Seek & Find   
  • Game size: 34.87 Mo
  • System: Windows xp/vista/7/8   
  • Fréquence: 600 mhz
  • Memory: 256 Mo

Release date

Release date : 25 September 2008


About Mystery p.i.: the vegas heist

About  Mystery P.I. - The Vegas Heist takes you to the glitz and glamour of Las Vegas where the heist of the century has just occurred. Over $4 Billion in cash has been stolen from the state`s newest casino the day before its grand opening. The casino has hired you to find & return the money before the doors open the next day. Hurry - you only have 16 hours to return the money back to the casino!  About

  • Mystery p.i.: the vegas heist

  • Mystery p.i.: the vegas heist

  • Mystery p.i.: the vegas heist

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